Grand County Stream Management Plan Phase 2 Update - Project Status and Timeline


Grand County Stream Management Plan Phase 2 Update - Project Status and Timeline 

The Grand County Stream Management Plan (GCSMP) update process is divided into two phases. Phase 1 aimed to solicit community input on visions, goals, and priority geographies and produce a technical report on present conditions of streams and rivers in the Cooperative Effort Area (CEA). Phase 2 will focus on using the data and stakeholder input gathered in Phase 2 to identify projects to restore the waterways of the CEA. LBD has made significant progress in reviewing the final deliverables for Phase 1 of the GCSMP update. Throughout this process, we have gained valuable insights and identified ways to enhance our approach for this long-term and dynamic project. To better meet the project's needs, we are revising the Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit technical consultation for Phase 2 to allow changes and additions that will aid in project success.

The changes in scope of work for Phase 2 include:

  • Implementing more effective ways to manage a project of this scope and divide it into smaller sub-tasks. This will help with the prioritization and presentation of the stream reaches in need of restoration and habitat improvements in Phase 2.

  • Leveraging lessons learned in Phase 1 to take a thoughtful approach to creating the public facing website, developing interactive data visualizations, web-based reports, and decision support tools.

As a result of the need to re-issue the RFP, there will be a delay in the start of Phase 2 of the GCSMP update until a technical consultant is under contract. We anticipate that Phase 2 will start at the beginning of 2025 to account for the time it will take to re-issue the RFP, bring a consultant under contract, and update them on the data and Comprehensive Watershed Assessment results from Phase 1.

Peak Facilitation Group will continue to facilitate the stakeholder outreach program in Phase 2.

>>> Check out the Comprehensive Watershed Assessment and Stakeholder Engagement Process Report by clicking here.

Latest Developments and Announcements

  • 2023 Aquatic Resource Monitoring Plan: This plan, which covers the Cooperative Effort Area including the Colorado, Fraser, and Williams Fork River Basins upstream of the Colorado River confluence with the Blue River, is now complete.

  • 2024 Operations Plan: Finalized for this year, this plan aims to optimize stream environmental benefits within the Cooperative Effort Area using resources available to LBD.

  • Denver Water Outreach: Denver Water has launched a new initiative to engage  stakeholders in watersheds affected by their operations. As part of their source water stakeholder communications plan, they are distributing newsletters to stakeholders in Summit, Park, and Grand Counties. Sign up for Grand County emails here.

  • New Operational Framework Agreement: Grand County and Northern Water have established a unique Operational Framework that grants Grand County up to 7,000 acre-feet of additional controllable water to release from the Colorado-Big Thompson Project. This water will be used for stream enhancement and other purposes, benefiting local recreation and agriculture industries.

  • Fraser Flats Public Fishing Access: Due to beaver activity, the Fraser Flats site is currently flooded. Our Projects Subcommittee is actively working on a solution and will keep you updated.