2024 Learning by Doing Annual Report click below
A Unique Western Slope/Eastern Slope Colorado Water Partnership
Grand County Stream Management Plan Update
The Stakeholder Advisory Committee toured the Colorado River Connectivity Channel in October 2024.
Since the inception of the 2010 GC SMP, changes have occurred throughout Grand County on both minor and landscape scales that warrant a reexamination of the technical aspects of the SMP to better reflect current conditions. In addition, a significant amount of new data has been collected throughout the CEA that would support a robust watershed assessment to improve characterization and prioritization of areas of concern. The Intergovernmental Agreements that founded LBD state that it is the task and responsibility of LBD to update the GC SMP.
Progress to Date
Phase 1 of the update started in May 2022 and was completed in May 2024. It included a Comprehensive Watershed Assessment by Lotic Hydrological and the formation of a stakeholder outreach program led by Peak Facilitation. Phase 2 of the GC SMP update started in July 2024. More information on the stakeholder outreach meetings can be found on LBD’s website.
Goals of Phase 2
Phase 2 of the GC SMP update seeks to better reflect current stream conditions and provide a dynamic, interactive framework for grading and prioritizing stream reaches for habitat improvements. This work will be divided into three parts that include:
Developing an assessment framework for grading stream reaches. LRE Water has been hired for this part.
Identifying priority areas and planning potential habitat improvement projects.
Launching an interactive website to serve as the updated GC SMP, featuring stream reach grades, visualizations, and project details. Virga Labs has been hired for this part.
Stakeholder Advisory Committee
A subset of stakeholders from the outreach program formed the Stakeholder Advisory Committee. During the duration of Phase 2, the Stakeholder Advisory Committee will have a pivotal role in providing input on refining the assessment framework, website functionality, and project planning.
Stream Restoration Project Updates - Fraser River at Kaibab Park and Willow Creek below Willow Creek Reservoir
View of the downstream reaches of Willow Creek in June 2024. The downstream portion of the project area has an active beaver population, thick willow cover, and high channel to floodplain connectivity relative to the upstream reaches. To minimize disturbance and maintain current levels of stream function, little restoration activity is planned in this area. Photo courtesy of GEI Consultants.
Willow Creek below Willow Creek Reservoir
This project includes over 2 miles of Willow Creek and approximately one mile of Church Creek, a tributary to Willow Creek. It addresses ecological degradation caused by sediment supply issues, regulated flows, and land use impacts. This process-based restoration plan aims to stabilize streambanks, restore riparian areas and floodplain connectivity, and enhance fish habitat. Planned improvements also include parking and public access within the newly designated Willow Creek Reservoir State Wildlife Area. GEI Consultants are finalizing the project design, anticipated by early 2025. LBD has received a $1.4 million WaterSMART Environmental Water Resources Project grant, with construction on both the Kaibab Park and Willow Creek stream improvement projects in 2025 or 2026.
The location of the Fraser River at Kaibab Park stream improvement project. Photo courtesy of Stillwater Sciences.
Fraser River at Kaibab Park
Located in Kaibab Park in the Town of Granby, this project enhances the aquatic habitat in the Fraser River. Efforts focus on channel narrowing to support habitat diversity and improvements to the fish and benthic macroinvertebrate populations. The final design, prepared by Stillwater Sciences, has been approved by the Town of Granby. LBD is currently working on securing a contractor for construction. Construction is slated for 2025 or 2026.
Stay tuned for more updates from these exciting projects!
Latest Developments and Announcements
2024 Annual Report is now available! Check it out for more details on projects, monitoring, and what's next for LBD.
2024 Operations Report includes details on LBD-related operations.
Colorado Water Congress Annual Convention: January 29 - 31 in Denver, CO.
CPW Partners in Outdoors Conference: April 22 - 24 in Colorado Springs, CO.
Thank You to our Funders
LBD’s success is built on the steadfast commitment and collaboration of its partner organizations. These partners generously contribute significant time and expertise to advance LBD initiatives. In addition, they provide financial support for our vital monitoring programs and grant match requirements.
Our achievements have also been bolstered by generous grants from the Bureau of Reclamation's WaterSMART Environmental Water Resources Projects, the Colorado Water Conservation Board and the Windy Gap Fund, managed by the Grand Foundation, as well as the invaluable contributions from Devil’s Thumb Ranch.