Guide Spotlight Content:
Name, Outfit, background #years guiding
-My name is Brandon Omahen. I am one of the head guides at Cutthroat Anglers in Silverthorne, Colorado where I have been float guiding for the last 15 Summers. I grew up deep sea fishing off the coast of New Jersey and started fly fishing while attending Colorado College in Colorado Springs.
Favorite type of flyfishing (Nymphing, dry,, streamers, etc.) and why (can be more than one)
-I really enjoy whatever technique is catching fish at the moment, but I must say dry fly fishing is my favorite way to catch them. Tricking the trout to come up to the surface is the ultimate deception and always exciting to see.
Favorite time of year/condition/hatch/etc. and why (can be more than one)
-That is a tough one. If I had to narrow it down, I would say the post runoff honeymoon. Usually is late June/early July and the Fall. Starting around the 2nd or 3rd week of September through mid-November depending on the year.
Brandon with a nice Brown
Favorite fly and why
-Parachute Adams because it is one of the best all-around all-purpose dry flies. There’s a reason it has been showing up in fly boxes around the world for over 100 years.
Interesting fish/wildlife story while fishing
-One Spring on the Eagle River I watched a mama duck fight off a snake that was attempting to eat one of its babies. The duck family turned out the victor.
Best (positive) client story
-Getting a lifelong fisherwoman back fishing on the river after suffering a stroke.
Best advice you’ve received
-You won’t know unless you go!
Your general fishing mindset and/or philosophy
-Don’t be afraid to fish outside of your comfort zone/regular routine. You will discover new locations, improve your fishing techniques and possibly catch the most memorable fish of your fly fishing career. One of the best parts of fly fishing is the never ending learning curve.
Best advice any angler can use
-Relax. Enjoy the moment, don’t forget to enjoy the scenery. And have fun. Remember its only fishing.